These little things...

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Wed Apr 5 19:57:37 BST 2006


Today I received an e-mail with an attachement compressed in the RAR
format. I thought I would have, again, to unrar it in a terminal, but
for the sake of it, I tried to right-click on it and select "extract
here", as I would do for a ZIP or TAR file. In the past this has always
resulted in File-roller failing, saying that it doesn't support the RAR
format. But today, go figure, it "just worked" ! 
I don't know what happened, if it has finally be compiled with RAR
support, or if it somehow managed to automatically use the "unrar"
package I installed from Synaptic.

Anyway, for the first time, it "just worked"... I am loving Dapper a bit
more every day... and there is still nearly 2 month left to make it even
better... coooooooool... :o)

Vince, every little thing counts...

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