Microsoft to support Linux hosting in Virtual Server

John dingo at
Wed Apr 5 13:50:56 BST 2006

Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> On Monday 03 April 2006 11:02, Shawn McMahon wrote:
>>"Microsoft said that it has developed software to simplify the
>>installation of Linux distributions from Red Hat and Novell SuSE to run
>>on Virtual Server 2005 R2 on Windows. In addition, Microsoft will
>>provide technical support customers running Windows and Linux side by
>>What, no Ubuntu?
> I noticed that there was now a sign up for beta testing this offering.  
> Interesting on how it will support just SuSE and Red Hat.  I wonder what we 
> have to do to get Ubuntu support.

I noticed that the Red Hat Linux releases that MS supports haven't been 
supported by RH for some years (but fedora legacy does offer support for 

Fedora Core isn't mentioned. I guess that MS has adopted those it sees 
as used by Corporate US, ignoring Fedora, Slack, Drakes and Debian 

As far as _running_ any distro you like, I'd not expect a problem if you 
use a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel.

BSD and Darwin would be more interesting:-)

And OS/2.

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