
Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Tue Sep 27 11:52:10 CDT 2005

<quote who="Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski">

> I'm thinking about getting a Linode virtual server (hey, it comes with
> Ubuntu:-), because I may leave company I work for, so my Linux box will
> lost nice place in a server room. Can anyone share Linode experience
> (IIRC, Canonica got some kind of deal with Linode) or may give me a link
> to similar solution?

I've been running a Linode with Ubuntu for, um, many months now. Very solid,
and a great community if you need a hand with anything. Use their UML-happy
2.4 kernel for great justice, and look forward to Xen support in the near
future. :-)

- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
                           No clue is good clue.

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