Mark in South Africa

Senectus . senectus at
Thu Sep 15 08:32:07 CDT 2005

On 9/15/05, Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at> wrote:
> <quote who="Mark Shuttleworth">
> > Jeff Waugh wrote:
> >
> > > Your performance of the badger dance on the last night of
> > > UbuntuDownUnder was exceptional! ;-)
> >
> > It was all down to the conductor ;-). Is there, ahem, video footage?
> I know there were photos of the dance at the cinema, not sure about video.
> (That's Mark and I up the front of a crowded cinema. Just as we began, the
> preview for the upcoming Star Wars film came on. It went from "funny crazy
> stuff" to "public disturbance" very quickly.)
> But there were definitely photos and video of the dance at the restaurant.
> (Not sure who had the video...)
> (badger, badger, badger)
> (schnaaaake!)
> Photos courtesy Jonathan Riddell and Jerome Gotangco. :-)
Ahh man the next time there is a UDU, I gotta jump in the car and head
on over.. :-D
Golden stuff.

Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 
CNet So that would be the philosophical difference between
Microsoft and what Google is up to at this point?
Bill Gates: Well, we don't know everything they are up to, but we do
know their slogan and we disagree with that.

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