Martijn van de Streek martijn at
Thu Oct 27 01:29:39 CDT 2005

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Stoffers, Robert LAC wrote:

> Is there any plans  to "share"  UBZ with the people who cannot make it
> to Montreal in a live or semi-live manner?  Audio/Video recording of
> some sessions?  Daily written reports of the highlights of the day?
> Pictures of some of the sessions/speakers?

I'm bringing a video camera and a photo camera, so I'll at least upload
the photos daily. The video will most likely need to be edited (cut out
long boring bits, etc.), and that tends to take time. Also,
video-uploads tend to take a while.

I will make all videos and pictures I take available online, and I'm
sure people will be blogging about this (I will -- but if it's busy this
might have to wait until after UBZ too..)

The problem with these events is that they're so busy you don't really
have time to do stuff like this, unless you skip lots of sleep :)
Never moon a werewolf.
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