Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at
Mon Oct 17 14:38:54 CDT 2005


I just spoke on the phone to François Huot, a freelance journalist who 
wrote for various business publication here in Québec.  The guys is very 
enthusiastic about Free software and recently wrote a five pages 
features on the subject in a magazine targetted at SMB (see for the online version of the article).  I sold the 
guy on Ubuntu, and so far he is quite pleased with the system (barring a 
few little problems; I am his support department).

I invited him to UBZ and he expect to come on the first Monday.  I told 
him it would be the opportunity to witness Free software development 
happening live before his eyes.  I would not be surprised if his visit 
to UBZ end up as the subject of an article.  Hopefully, it's going to be 
a positive one !

Ciao gang,

Etienne Goyer

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