Ubuntu missed by the German Federal Government

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 03:17:31 CDT 2005

On 10/5/05, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at canonical.com> wrote:
> Quim Gil wrote:
> >Ubuntu : "Es wurden keine Treffer auf Ihre Suchanfrage gefunden.", so
> >no mention about it.
> >
> >
> Errr... what does that mean?
according to google and bablefish:
"No hits were found on your retrieval query."
Glad I could clear that up for you :-P

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
CNet News.com: So that would be the philosophical difference between
Microsoft and what Google is up to at this point?
Bill Gates: Well, we don't know everything they are up to, but we do
know their slogan and we disagree with that.

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