Apple's Tiger

Ruben Vermeersch ruben at
Sun May 1 03:00:26 CDT 2005

I highly agree with you, Apple has done a great job technically and I
wonder how long it'll take till the open source community comes up to
speed. Not all things are that hard to implement though, Inotify is
exactly the same magic as the spotlight integration in the kernel. The
combination of Cairo & openGL is similar to Quartz Extreme.

The hard thing will indeed be to get a very distributed development
community on one line. Eg: Will Ubuntu, or any other distro ever have
the balls to do something drastic like throwing out sysvinit for a
modern equivalent like launchd? Perhaps this is something that has to be
worked out in a proof of concept first.

On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 20:24 +0100, Rui Tiago Cação Matos wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just read this really good article on Tiger from Ars Technica [1]. Now,
> I'm not a mac user and have actually only touched mac os X one or two
> times. That being said I must say I was really impressed with several
> things present on that article. And I'm not talking about flashy GUI
> things, I'm talking about some really good technology that seems to be in
> there, to name a few (that are most impressive to me): all the metadata
> stuff and the potential it provides to build real-time indexing engines,
> this launchd and lookupd daemons (which seem to even be open source!) and
> the whole graphical engine stack.
> I wonder if things like these can be developed in the distributed
> environment that open source is. I mean, Apple has control over all the
> stack down from the hardware so I think it is much easier for them to
> integrate all this. What do you think?
> Anyway this is a really great article that I recommend to any geek around
> here ;-)
> Rui
> [1]

Ruben Vermeersch

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