Paul Thurrott and Ubuntu

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Jun 30 18:30:00 CDT 2005

> For those that does not know but Paul Thurrott is basically a Windows evangelist
> and writes for Windows Magazine and the Windows IT Pro site.  Here is what he
> says about Ubuntu and I quote:

Yeah, Thurrott is very much well known in the Windows world; I
sometimes go to his site when it gets some hot MS insider info,
although this is the first time I saw him write about Linux.

Another Windows guy, Mark Minasi did write a Linux book some time ago,
trying to use the same formula for his successful "Mastering
Windows..." books. Not really sure if he was successful in that. It
would be interesting as well if he did try out Ubuntu.


Jerome S. Gotangco

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