power-user's desktop is *tuned*, not just pre-set

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 20:04:31 CDT 2005

On 6/26/05, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at canonical.com> wrote:
> * Eric Dunbar
> | alt-~ or ctrl-~ are much better solutions since they require only one
> | hand to activate whilst you can leave your hand on the mouse, and are
> | something that ought to be implemented at the system level
> | (GNOME/KDE/your favourite window manager)
> You are of course aware that ~ is a dead key on lots of keyboards and
> way less accessible than Page Up or Page Down?  (To get ~ I have to
> type AltGr-¨ + Space.  Combine that with Ctrl and you have something
> which is horribly hard to type.)

Perhaps ` is a better way of describing it. On American keyboards ` is
pretty much always left of the 1 key. This ought to be the default way
of cycling through windows (or at least a complementary way). Problem
with page Up/Down is that it requires TWO hands to operate (home is on
the left side of the keyboard for right handed users (90%))...
impractical in modern systems given that no modern user OS functions
without a mouse and most people work with mouse in right hand and left
key over home.


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