Google SoC

Brian Puccio brian at
Sat Jun 25 10:33:34 CDT 2005

It seems like Google's Summer of Code project list has been announced.
I read on the Drupal site that Ubuntu has 14 projects:

> Look forward to an announcement next week about our Google Summer of
> Code students who will be working with us. We're very fortunate that
> Google has generously sponsored eleven (11) SoC stipends. As you can
> imagine, this means a lot of coding will get done this summer!
> Here is a list of the other orgs and how many they got. Notice that
> Drupal was relatively popular. We received 134 applications overall.
> Here's the breakdown of stipends among orgs (I tried to identify some
> of them from the abbreviated version):
> 38 asf (Apache Software Foundation)
> 24 kde
> 20 freebsd
> 19 psf (Python Software Foundation)
> 16 mono
> 15 gaim
> 14 ubuntu
> 13 fedoracore
> 13 google
> 12 gnome
> 12 gallery
> 12 codehaus
> 11 drupal
> 10 winlibre
> 10 plg (Perl?)
> 10 oo (Open Office)
> 10 nmap
> 10 mozdev (Mozilla foundation)
> 10 jabber
> 10 internet2
> 10 blender
> 9 lispnyc
> 8 tpl (?)
> 8 svn
> 8 netbsd
> 7 xwiki
> 7 psu
> 7 handhelds
> 6 wine
> 6 semedia
> 6 samba
> 6 mambo
> 4 oscar
> 4 lj (LiveJournal)
> 4 inkscape
> 4 horde
> 4 bricolage
> 4 asterisk
> 3 ohiolink
> 3 monotone
> 3 jxta

I realized while reading over this list that I use software written by
over a dozen of these organizations.
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