Mac OS X v. Linux
Tollef Fog Heen
tfheen at
Fri Jun 24 18:13:04 CDT 2005
* Eric Dunbar
| It seems like your "gosh darn awful" experience was due to your
| inexperience with Mac and not due to Mac itself. Consider how many
| *years* of experience you have on Windows/Linux and contrast that to
| one month on Mac! Plus, there's a whole smorgasbord of tools available
| for Mac. Bare Bones Software makes a WONDERFUL text editor called Text
| Wrangler that is free (as in beer)
| (<>).
| NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING that I have seen that is "Free" (as in
| GNU) comes even close to Text Wrangler for high powered text
| editing/processing (NOT word processing). In-built grep and a tonne of
| other (fairly) useful features.
True, I've only been using Mac OS for about ten to twelve years. I
have still to find an editor which is anywhere as good as emacs.
Emacs is nice and both newbie and user-friendly, IME. Anyhow,
choosing your operating system based on the available set of editors
means you are very, very picky about your editor. Most free software
editors run fine on multiple platforms.
| Plus, Free (GNU, etc.) software is widely available for Mac, and,
| besides, do you actually TAKE ADVANTAGE of the Freeness of the
| software — do you change the code and recompile the software? Or, is
| your use of Free software merely as a tool?
Yes, I change software both as part of my job and as part of my hobby.
Tollef Fog Heen ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are : :' :
`. `'
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