Ubuntu review

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Tue Jun 21 04:34:22 CDT 2005


Keeping in mind that this is only Ubuntu's second official release, the
quality of this distribution is absolutely outstanding. With a regular
release cycle of 6 months, we will get to see if Ubuntu "Breezy" Linux
holds up to the reputation for stability and ease of use that has been
set early on. 

As a result of being easy to use, well supported, and a very positive
boost to the Linux desktop, I give Ubuntu a rating of 10 out of 10 and
would recommend it to anyone (including SpyWare-infected Grandparents).
Try this distribution out if you are skeptical about Linux desktops and
you just may be very surprised at how far it has come.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntulinux.org
  - Linux voor normale mensen: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl
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