"The users dilemma" (Re: "Free software" vs. "Open Source" (again))

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Sat Jun 18 09:09:16 CDT 2005

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski wrote:
> On Friday 17 of June 2005 10:15, Eric Feliksik wrote:
>>When the discussion turns to free vs. non-free drivers, I think that
>>Theo de Raadt's (from OpenBSD) work for free drivers [1] is a good
>  Well, Theo may be a good programmer, but he's an rude troll, too. We're 
> losers[1] , because of system we use.
> [1] http://42.pl/url/cWp

Yes, he is rude, and I think he really lacks some social skills. My 
point is that he stands for software freedom and I think that is a good 
thing. I appreciate his work for free drivers, too.

No, as far as I can see he did not say that. That title is chosen by the 


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