Ubuntu at LinuxTag - thanks to GNOME!

Josh Kress josh at kinjoo.com
Tue Jun 14 17:56:39 CDT 2005

Hi folks!

I'm proud to announce that Ubuntu will be at LinuxTag 2005 next week.

The people from GNOME Deutschland e.V. offered us a portion of their
booth! They rock! We owe them many thanks!

Hopefully one of the German Developers will join me in order to give
some visitors a more technical view at Ubuntu if they want to.

As far as it comes to me, I will mainly focus on information for the
"average user": What you get, what software is inside,
main<->universe<->multiverse, ...
Maybe I manage to set up a small self running slide-show, as I don't
have the time and money to create some good-looking flyers until

More Info as soon as possible at

So, until next week at LinuxTag!

Make Poverty History ............................... [www.whiteband.org]
Ubuntu LoCo Bayreuth ............................. [www.ubuntulinux.org]
Use Open Formats ................................. [www.openformats.org] 

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