Ubuntu in .au community centre

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 28 20:18:13 CDT 2005

Hadn't seen this posted to sounder yet:

  "With 65 user accounts and counting, The Hut's network now includes 10
  Ubuntu workstations running GNOME, OpenOffice.org, Evolution, and Firefox,
  an application server, a gateway box, and a backup server. There is also a
  dual-boot workstation and two strictly Windows boxes that sit on the
  network but don't rely on the file server."


Sounds like a rough migration, but will end up rocking. :-)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th         http://live.gnome.org/Boston2005
  "Anyway - I need something more James Bond than Banana Man, if you know
                       what I mean..." - Tom Gilbert

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