Ubuntu Blogged

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 08:27:45 CDT 2005

On 7/28/05, Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at videotron.ca> wrote:
> Martijn van de Streek wrote:
> > Huge.. piece.. of.. boring.. text.. could you summarize? :)
> A cookie-cutter rant about why Linux is too complicated and why it
> should be dumbed down since giving users too many choices and options is
> bad.  At least, that is what I can infer by reading the first two
> sentences.
Sheesh.. if they want a dumbed down Linux they should just go buy OS X
and an Apple to put it on.

Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 
"Luminocity is a cracktastic technology testbed for Metacity." - From
the gnome.org website

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