
John McHugh johnjmchugh at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 13:38:29 GMT 2005

On 12/23/05, Michael Shigorin <mike at osdn.org.ua> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 03:57:33PM -0500, Brian Puccio wrote:
> > However, I just bought a Nokia 770.
> A-and? ;-)

I can't speak for Brian, but as for myself, I don't know!  I can't
open mine until  tomorrow.  (Of course I did some minor testing when
it first arrived, routine QA/QC and all that, you understand.  Solely
due to warranty concerns.  It's not as though I was just looking for
an excuse to play with it.  But so far, It's GREAT!)

Since I can't really answer any of your questions yet, for useful
information, check out:



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