Forums vs Mailing Lists

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Dec 23 13:33:58 GMT 2005

Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Daniel Robitaille">
>> I'm not sure it is a good thing on the long run to have a growing
>> resentement that we have 2 separate community, one mailing list based,
>> and one forum based, and the developers tend to hang in one side of the
>> fence.
>> But is there anything we can do?  It's not like we can force people to
>> join the forums, and we cannot force people to join the mailing lists.
> This has been tugging at my conscience for a while now, too. While I would
> like to suggest that we have every mailing list mirrored on the forums, I
> know that many of the mailing list contributors [1] regard most of the
> stuff coming from the forums as noise.

I can see how Forum users could feel that way.  Personally, I killfile the
lot of them - it's not that I believe they have less to contribute, I just
can't follow their conversations when they all have the same name and don't
quote.  If the Forums would at least allow people to create an account (I
expect they do) and use that account information to create the From header
on the mailing list, I'd stop ignoring them.

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