blog entry: "Installation Face Off: Linux or Windows"

john levin john at
Wed Dec 14 14:47:01 GMT 2005

grethe at wrote:

> Dear list,


> Instead I would like an Edubuntu live-cd (if I may ask) and maybe a
> technical solution so that I can run Edubuntu on the old PC so that my
> kids kan play with it without having it hanging and thinking too much.
> (Its a wish, not a demand:-).


Just checked the edubuntu site, and there isn't an edubuntu live cd. Is 
there a reason for this? I'd guess wo/manpower and time, rather than 
anything else, but I do think it's something of an omission.

The good news is that, with Ubuntu as a whole moving over to a joint 
live/install setup system, there should be a live option for edubuntu 

As for a lightweight edubuntu, there should be scope for working with 
Xubuntu (lighter version of Ubuntu, based on the XFCE desktop) to 
produce that.

 > (I know I wish for the moon).

Mark Shuttleworth's been close by. I'm sure he can arrange something - 
but you'll have to share it!


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