Lost jobs due to open source
dingo at coco2.arach.net.au
Thu Aug 25 10:47:51 CDT 2005
Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * John
> | MySQL and Postgresql are fine for lots of applications, but you'll not
> | find people running banks or airlines on them. For some things,
> | nothing can beat a decent zBox with z/OS and all the stuff that goes
> | with it.
> The registrar for .org is running their whole system on Postgres,
> fwiw. It's not a bank or an airline, but still quite a sizeable
> system.
The performance offered by those nothing _like_ what airlines require.
I don't know what they use now, but in years gone by IBM had a special
OS specifically for airlines, Airline Control Program.
Banks are more forgiving, but still need the performance advantages of
high-end RDBMSes.
Five years ago I worked at a bank that was just finailising its move off
IMS to DB2 because only recently had DB2's performance become adequate.
IBM has been around since the early 70s that I know of, DB2 since the
early 80s when I worked for SPL (Australia) supporting Adabas (later
SAPDB I think and then MaxDB tho those have been rewritten).
Back then, according to Cincom, theirs (supra) was the only relational
DBMS as DB2 lacked some of the necessary features (as MySQL does today)
to meet the definition of "relational."
ADABAS wasn't relational, didn't do SQL (though its native language was
similar) and it outperformed DB2 enormously. It was also easy to set up
and use: I did a demo with Dept of Immigration data in three days.
I never heard of anyone using Supra:-)
See http://www.marist.edu/htbin/wlvindex?LINUX-390 for the views of folk
who run hundreds of copies of Linux and other operating system on one
box. I don't know of comparisons, but some of the folk there such as
Adam Thornton will know.
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