Lost jobs due to open source

Paul Harper pjharper at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 13:06:12 CDT 2005

The Success of Open Source book by Steve Weber might
be useful for you.


Good review here:


--- Ruben Vermeersch <ruben at Lambda1.be> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> As you're all better at advocating the whole idea,
> I'd figured I might
> as well ask you guys for ideas. I'm a CS student,
> mostly doing
> programming, not active advocating, however, I do
> try to convince my
> classmates of the wonders and ideas of open source
> and free software.
> I managed to get the following ideas out of their
> heads: 
>  * open source software has low quality and doesn't
> work
> 	-> it does! Look at my shiny Ubuntu laptop, apache,
> ....
>  * sharing code is bad, as other companies will
> steal it
> 	-> read the GPL
> Their latest counter-argument is a more economically
> minded one:
> "You can't live of open source, you can't make money
> of it" (a classic),
> but also a more sophisticated one: "If we all do
> open source software, a
> lot of jobs will get cut, the amount of IT staff
> with a job will
> decrease dramatically".
> Anyone has some good pointers in how to quickly
> convince them otherwise
> (without the risk of sounding like a zealot, plain
> rational arguments).
> Thanks in advance, and keep building the magic!
> Ruben
> --
> Ruben Vermeersch (rubenv)
> http://www.Lambda1.be/
> Now playing:  Kraftwerk - Dentaku 
> >From the album:  Minimum Maximum (Disc 2) 
> -- 
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