A idea for more interaction between users and distributions

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at canonical.com
Mon Aug 22 01:57:21 CDT 2005

* volvoguy 

| On 8/21/05, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at canonical.com> wrote:
| > I think an art browser which let you see what the different themes
| > looked like and then install them (as real packages) would be
| > awesomely cool, possibly this could be done by having gnome-art
| > interface to the packaging system with a set of plugins (so it'd work
| > on other distributions as well).
| That's the goal of the "gnome-art" app developer. I think they'll be
| using straight-up tar.gz archives, so in theory it should work in
| Gnome on any distro.

This means you'll lose any integration with the regular packaging
system, including support for upgrades where files are renamed or
removed (since you'd need to track that by hand or invent Yet Another
Packaging System for that).  It would also be a lot easier to get any
high-popularity themes and theme packs into distributions if you're
actually using the native packaging system.


| I don't recall if this app is in Breezy or if I downloaded and
| compled it myself, but it's current functionality seems to work
| great on my Breezy demo box FWIW.

It's in breezy universe at least.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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