oneline article: "Debian Alliance on The Horizon"

John dingo at
Thu Aug 18 19:12:46 CDT 2005

Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Jeff Waugh wrote:
>>>And it's the lack of official KDE in Ubuntu that caused me to revisit
>>>the RH fold.
>>KDE is in Ubuntu main, and Kubuntu is built from that. That means official
> Like I said last time Jeff, you have a different idea of what "official
> support" means then John and I do.  No offense, but if Canonical truly
> supported KDE as an equal to GNOME then a) Kubuntu wouldn't need its own
> name, b) Kubuntu wouldn't need its own website, c) someone could order
> "Kubuntu" from Ubuntu's website, a.k.a. "Ubuntu-KDE", and d) Ubuntu
> wouldn't refer to Kubuntu as a "partner project", which clearly implies
> Kubuntu is *not* part of Ubuntu... "officially".
> Canonical doesn't have to support KDE, I actually understand why Canonical
> is favoring your baby over KDE right now, but don't pretend that allowing
> the Kubuntu people a few hundred megabytes of storage space in Ubuntu's
> repo is the same as "official support".  It isn't.

I don'y have a problem with Kubuntu, and I think it failry likely the 
Ubuntu team cannot make a single-CD, useful install of Ubunty that 
carries both KDE and Gnome together with other stuff people want.

The problem for me was that, when I was deciding where to go from 
Debian, Kubuntu did not exist and KDE was not in main.

It happens that when I installed my deskside system I was getting lots 
of segfaults, and I felt that installing Ubuntu was not going to help 
clarify whether it was hardware or software.

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