oneline article: "Debian Alliance on The Horizon"

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Wed Aug 17 17:04:11 CDT 2005

<quote who="John">

> There is something here I don't understand. Howl is extended from
> mdnsresponder, I know. I also know documentation sucks.
> However, howl _is_ in debian (but with the wrong namel can someone fix
> that? What would the real mndsnresponder be called?).

howl isn't in Debian (I know, because I packaged it and suffered the

> It's also in Fedora Core 3, though it seems not in RHEL 4.

Because RH are looser with Fedora than RHEL (their commercial product).

> >SELinux is an extremely complicated new feature, not a "security fix",
> >and woody was a shipped and supported system. We would not add complete
> >SELinux support to warty or hoary, either!
> It was supposedly in Woody; given that it should work.

It wasn't. libselinux was *in* woody, but it was not in use (nor was SELinux
functionality available in the kernel).

- Jeff

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