OSCON in Three Memes

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 8 01:56:42 CDT 2005

<quote who="Jeff Waugh">

> Straight from OSDir's Steve Mallett:
>   http://dev.fooworks.com/2005/08/07/oscon-in-three-memes/


  "Some observations from OSCON. The short form is that Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  and Ubuntu were the biggest things around at this year’s OSCON, closely
  followed by Ajax. My more detailed observations are continued below
  (except for Ubuntu, since I can’t really add anything — I use it, I like
  it, but if another Linux distribution comes along that I like better I’ll
  easily switch)."


- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th    http://conferences.oreillynet.com/eurooscon/
     "First: This is not a race." - Jody Goldberg on the Free Software

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