Webcams at UDU (was: And Microsoft steals from Ubuntu again!)

Paul Sladen sounder at
Wed Apr 13 07:38:55 CDT 2005

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> Can't be at UDU (way too expensive for me), but will there be
> webcams? :)

At the Ubuntu conference in Mataro, jdub was carrying around a webcam
attached to his laptop and attempting to broadcast the 'video' to other
people in the room ...with somewhat mixed success!  :-)

Perhaps (with a bit of organisation in advance) a stand-alone webcam in an
interesting location might attract quite a few page-hits and Ubuntities
coming back to check on the latest BOFs during the conference.

Fans can tune in at 09:00 local and see who turns up late...
I didn't know it snowed here!  Den Haag, NL

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