Why no mention of GNU?

Guido Heumann listguido at web.de
Mon Apr 11 14:18:34 CDT 2005

Eric Feliksik schrieb:
> Christoph Georgi wrote:
>> I don't think it's neccessary to add the GNU prefix everywhere. Yes,
>> that would be insane! The whole point is that there is no *mention* of
>> GNU anywhere at ubuntu - that's what Eric criticises, IMHO. And I
>> think that this should be changed. Not the names..
>> regards
>> .christoph
> You are right. I was indeed speaking about mentioning it on websites,
> docs, etcetera.
> I would, however, find it very ok to call it Ubuntu GNU/Linux, or just
> Ubuntu. Mentioning GNU on the website is a must, though.

I agree with both of you. Having read the new website section "About
Ubuntu" with this issue in mind, it seems that mostly only "Ubuntu" is
It is used in a similar way as "Debian", as if the "Ubuntu project"
would consist of the "Ubuntu community" and "Ubuntu releases". In fact,
even the term "linux" is used very rarely.

Linux is mentioned 3 times in the "About Ubuntu" page, which is ok for
me because beginner people should get a clue what this new OS is about
and that it's not windows ;-)

The other two times it's a reference to the "linux community", and I
don't know if that should actually be called "GNU/Linux community".
Suppose not.

And obviously the new domain ubuntu.com is now preferred to former

So to me it seems as if the Canonical people ( or should I say Ubuntu
people?) are trying to take a very balanced approach to this issue.
Though i would appreciate the mentioning of GNU at least in the context
of Debian GNU/Linux.


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