UbuntuDownUnder Circle of Friends (Was: My eyes!)

Craige McWhirter craige at mcwhirter.com.au
Sat Apr 2 05:14:18 CST 2005

On Sat, 2005-04-02 at 01:56 +0100, Rui Tiago Matos wrote:

> How about taking a BIG picture featuring all of the ubuntu folks in a
> circle of friends during UbuntuDownUnder? Then packaged in a nice .deb
> would be a *really* nice GDM splash... especially if you invite to the
> picture some Australian girls ;-)

Awesome! A whole bunch of mostly male geeks all linking arms in a circle
with a few of my token female compatriots along for decoration. I can
guarantee you only one thing, that is that the hard nipple "incident"
won't be repeated.


(oh, and a black eye from any .au woman who heard you suggest they're
just for decoration)


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