Mouse button emulation [was: Re: sounder 8 install report]

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at
Mon Sep 13 02:04:38 CDT 2004

This one time, at band camp, Martin Pitt wrote:
>Hi Jamie!
>On 2004-09-12 22:27 +1000, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>> This is all very interesting, but I'm still looking for an answer to the
>> original question: what keys have middle and right click been mapped to?
>None at the moment. It would be great if we provided a default, but
>which keys should be sacrificed for the mouse buttons? The already
>proposed F10/F11 is a pretty bad default, many programs need F10
>(including GNOME, and my much beloved mc :-) ). 
>On my iBook G4 there is currently only one useless key:
>It's the one to the right of the right Apple key. It would be a good
>choice to use it as the middle or right mouse button, but which key to
>use for the other button? (Personally I prefer F11).

I got used to F10 and F11, becuase I didn't use them for GNOME...

But I think that Right Apple/Clover and the small square Enter key next
to it would be good for Middle and Right mouse buttons respectively.

(I fear that the little enter key sends the same keycode as return does

jaq at                 

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