sounder 8 install report

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at
Thu Sep 9 17:01:53 CDT 2004

This one time, at band camp, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>> * The XKB error message appeared (actually, 8 or more appeared) but they
>>   were all masking a /dev/pmu error message, and the /dev/pmu error
>>   dialog had input focus so I couldn't shut any of them down until i'd
>>   moved the XKB dialogs out of the way.  (The XKB dialogs have since
>>   gone after upgrading packages, but the /dev/pmu permissions
>>   error is still there)
>apt-get upgrade will take care of that.

I've just upgraded, and I'm still seeing the "Permissions on the file
/dev/pmu are broken" dialog after logging in.

jaq at                 

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