How to unmount devices? -> The decision

Nathaniel McCallum npmccallum at
Wed Sep 8 09:40:18 CDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 16:31 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hi again!
> Yesterday's stated discussion time is up. So far we have:
> | 3. Just let the user rip out the device; hal will detect this and gvm can
> |    unmount it afterwards. Devices are mounted with 'sync' anyway, so this should
> |    not damage VFAT devices too badly.
> I guess we have to reckon with this and need to limit the damage this
> can do. If gvm detects that a mounted device is removed, it should
> lazily unmount it. I will care for the pumount support for this (same
> option -l as unmount). Any volunteers for the gvm side?
> | 5. Add a small icon to the panel if a device is mounted. Clicking would attempt
> |    to unmount and pop up an error box if it fails (perhaps with the
> |    applications that still use the device).
> | 
> | 6. Add a small icon to the desktop if a device is mounted. Left-click could
> |    bring up a Nautilus window with the content, right-click the usual context
> |    menu with the unmount option. Same error box here if device is busy.
> These two seem to have general acceptance. However, according to Mark
> we should aim to implement 5. Volunteers?
> Since 6 should already be implemented, how long it would take to undo
> the modifications for suppressing the icons? I'd like to know how long
> our fallback solution will take. At release time minus this time we
> should drop the efforts of implementing 5 if it does not work by this
> time.

# 6 (putting device icons back on the desktop) is a gconf change, I can
do that today.  #3 does gvm need to poll for something?  What happens in
HAL when you rip out a device (I don't have a device to test it with)?


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