Sounder *7* feedback (was: Sounder CD 8)

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Sep 7 19:48:04 CDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 01:35:27AM +0100, Paul Sladen wrote:

> This is an improvement, I was also going to comment on this.  It's a pity I
> can't think of an easy way to have the bootable CD detect if it's half-way
> through an installation and chain-load to the hard-disk instead.

Something reasonably close could be implemented using grub as the CD
bootloader, since it can at least let the user make a decision about which
to boot.  They would need to explicitly choose to boot from the CD the first
time, but upon rebooting, they could accept the default of booting from the
hard disk.  This is the approach taken by Windows CDs.

> It appears to have run out of diskspace---checking the available space at
> the start would probably be an improvement.

I thought aptitude did this...if it was fairly close, then it is nontrivial
to predict this with some filesystems.

 - mdz

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