powerbook problems

Paul Cooper pgc at openadvantage.org
Mon Sep 6 06:07:00 CDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-09-06 at 11:36, Paul Cooper wrote:
> I just checked this on the i386 version and the same thing happens (but
> I wasn't asked if I wanted to upgrade gdm). I had to boot into recovery
> mode and run aptitude to fix it. Is there something similar we can do
> with ppc?

Just to be clear what I meant - is there something similar to the i386
recovery mode on ppc, that would just drop us into a console so we can
do an aptitude update?


Paul Cooper                    |  Tel: 0121 634 1620
Assistant Director             |  Fax: 0121 634 1630
OpenAdvantage                  |  http://www.openadvantage.org

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