Some points/issues to discuss about the desktop
Jeff Waugh
jdub at
Thu Sep 2 21:00:37 CDT 2004
<quote who="John">
> Home on _my_ system is useless. Takes too long to open. atm it's got
> about 440 files & directories that are not hidden, 600 total.
It's interesting to hear some of the results of recent Nautilus releases,
with people tidying up their previously manageable (but hideously messy)
home directories. Why? Well, they were only using terminals before. :-)
> I think photos will become increasingly important
Absolutely, which is why they should have a folder pre-prepared for them in
home -> the desktop is not the right place to *store* them, and they're not
important/special enough to warrant a 'special' icon to get to them.
> Finder on the Mac has high-level entries for Desktop, Home (called
> "summer" as that's my account alias), Documents, Movies, Pictures,
> WhiteAlbum (disk name), mUdlark (computer's name) and Network.
Note that those aren't on the desktop, they're bookmarks to various
locations on the disk (most of which are physically in the Home folder).
> No "Music" though.
Run iTunes. :-)
> Root's desktop should include "System settings."
The desktop is not the right place for stuff like this -> you have fast
access to the System Configuration menu from the top panel, whichever user
you're logged in as.
Note that quite a few of these locations could be added to the Nautilus
'Places' menu and the fileselector bookmarks list, which I imagine will be
the same thing soon enough, and the eventual choice for a quick-access menu
in the Panel.
But these are definitely the kinds of things that should be done upstream,
and in our next release process. :-)
- Jeff
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