Some points/issues to discuss about the desktop

John dingo at
Thu Sep 2 19:04:40 CDT 2004

Mark Shuttleworth wrote:

>>> We either need to restore the "Home" icon, or put a "Documents" icon
>>> there.
> Both of these should be accessible through the "Computer" top panel 
> menu. As should anything that you would expect to find *inside* the 
> Computer icon on the desktop. So I'm hoping to eliminate all of these 
> icons from the desktop and have them accessible through the menu. It's 
> possible to reinstate them on the desktop using gconf preferences, and 
> possible these are exposed in the Gnome UI somewhere.
I think these should be on the desktop:
Network (i/when a network is detected)
Photos (if/when the user uses a camera or a photo application)

My parents (in their eighties) will have problems with menus. Folders, 
probably with single-click activation - I remember having problems with 
double-click in OS/2, are far easier to use.

It's all OSX users have, though I find the Apple implementation clumsy.

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