Sounder 7 usability notes

Lionel (Ploum) Dricot ploum at
Wed Sep 1 08:21:18 CDT 2004

Le mercredi 01 septembre 2004 à 13:29 +0100, Scott James Remnant a
écrit :
> On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 11:25 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> > We should optimise for the common case. 90% of the time when I'm 
> > double-clicking on a folder inside nautilus, I want to open that window 
> > and close the current one.
> > 
> The really interesting thing about Spatial mode is how it does optimise
> for the common case for ordinary users, but power users such as
> ourselves react (initially) violently to it because it doesn't optimise
> for us.
> Go take a look at a non-techy user ($JANE); I learned a lot from looking
> at how Jenny and my Mother use their computers.
> Ordinary users have lots of folders, usually on their desktop or just in
> their home directory in which they have lots of files.
> They don't create complex trees of nested folders and generally *do*
> want the parent folder still open after opening a new one.
> My mother will generally open the home directory, then the Pictures
> directory, and copy things from one to the other.

I agree with this. I upgraded the Testing computer of my mother to Gnome
2.6 this summer. I was expecting a lot of question about nautilus and
spatial mode. I've even made a spatial mode manual :

But, believe me or not, nor my mother nor my father saw the change !!!
(or at least, they didn't say anything about it). 
Like you say, my mother has a lot (really a lot) of folder in her home.
The maximum depth level is 2 (rarely 3).

So, it makes me think that the spatial vs browser war (who said troll ?)
is only a geek thing and average users don't care about it. As long as
they can open a file by double click (or right-click "open with"), they
are happy...

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