Sounder 7 usability notes

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Wed Sep 1 05:25:50 CDT 2004

>>- I think we should have the "always open in browser" option on by 
>>default in nautilus.  I tried to find one of my source files in Malone 
>>starting from double-clicking the Computer icon and going through 
>>Computer > Filesystem > home > dave > Source > Warthogs > dists > 
>>launchpad > lib > canonical > malone and wound up with 11 nautilus 
>>windows open, 
>middle click or shift+click closes the previous one.
We should optimise for the common case. 90% of the time when I'm 
double-clicking on a folder inside nautilus, I want to open that window 
and close the current one. Is that typical for everyone? If so, should 
we not make it so that double-clicking opens the new folder (in spatial 
mode, remembering where it was on the desktop last time etc) and closes 
the existing folder, and holding shift or using the middle button leaves 
the current window open while opening the new one?

Straw poll: when you navigate through folder hierarchies in spatial 
mode, do you usually want to leave the old folder open, or have it 
closed when you move to the next folder?

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