On Ubuntu Marketing
Lionel (Ploum) Dricot
ploum at frimouvy.org
Mon Oct 18 17:55:15 CDT 2004
I'm volontary to be in the Belgium marketing team (french speaking). I
was looking to help Ubuntu with my writing instead of my code and this
is the best place.
If you want my full adress or my resume, simply ask me ;-)
Le mardi 19 octobre 2004 à 00:47 +0200, Josh Kress a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> I already posted this topic some days ago on ubuntu-users and ubuntu-de,
> however it was drowned by the "Default Artwork"-discussion on the
> international list. Maybe sounder is a better place fot this topic.
> It's mainly intended as the beginning of a discussion on how the
> community and Canonical can work together to promote Ubuntu. Stay in
> contact with press, volunteer for booths at fairs/expos, offical
> standpoints of Canonical etc.
> These are some *ideas* from ubuntu-de and from a review of the
> fedora-marketing-list archives:
> Marketing teams and their tasks:
> ********************************
> - Core Marketing Team (2-3 members), ideally with at least one member of
> Canonical at every time.
> + Creating general marketing schemes, rules etc.: what to do,
> what not to do, "synchronize" efforts/output of local teams, be
> THE single point for local teams to contact
> + Synchronize/match marketing efforts of Canonical and the
> community (if there ever is any difference)
> + Which artwork to use (e.g. at fairs; not what you think!),
> keep project-wide artwork unified
> + Release ALL official press releases, like release notes
> + Be the "international" contact for press
> + Create/organize additional promotion material: an online
> magazine(*), t-shirts, caps etc.
> + All these points imply that the Core Marketing team has to
> keep close contact to the core developers and the documentation
> team. This might also include an artwork team later
> + If something's missing, scream!
> - Local Marketing Teams (2-3 members), for each country (or each state
> in big countries)
> + Localize general material of the core team if necessary, like
> translations (together with translators), adoption to local
> habits (to avoid "Default Theme"-scenarios due to local habits.
> Hey, we all already learned from it, so it was worth it!)
> + Be the contact for local press, either for questions about the
> project or for negotiations about the inclusion of Ubuntu on CD
> (as discussed on ubuntu-de)
> + Organize booths on fairs, contact local users for
> volunteering, be a contact/help for non-local Ubuntu promoters,
> when they are at conferences or do a presentation. Be the
> contact for Canonical staff, if they participate in an event in
> your area (e.g. combined Canonical/Ubuntu-community booth)
> + Be the contact for local users for marketing- or
> promotion-related questions.
> + And a lot more, I'm currently not aware of; AGAIN: Please
> scream!
> General ideas:
> **************
> - Discussions should take place on mailing list, either on an extra list
> or on sounder with a [marketing] tag in the subject, according to the
> [doc] tag on the devel list.
> - Of course, teams can or even must be bigger. However each team, may it
> be local or core, should have those 2-3 team-leaders.
> - Try to create professional, decent marketing, focusing on the
> strengths: the project, the philosophy of Ubuntu, the people.
> OK, that's it. No more ideas for now. This list is by no means complete.
> Now it's your turn: provide some feedback, add ideas!
> By for now!
> --
> Jörg Kreß josh at kinjoo.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A proud user of Ubuntu! www.ubuntulinux.org
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