Relish the freedom of free software -- change your system if you don't like it.

Mary Gardiner mary-sounder at
Thu Oct 14 04:16:04 CDT 2004

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004, J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:
> Why is it their job to make the default theme acceptable in your
> workplace?

You seem to be arguing it as if it's black-and-white: Ubuntu developers
do whatever the hell they want, he covers the GDM login screen at his
workplace until he's done a theme switch and is duly thankful, get over
it already.

Clearly it's more of a grey area than that, almost every decision that's
made is. The meta-discussion about "you aren't allowed to make this
criticism because _______" is pointless: people make criticisms, the
developers decide whether the compromises necessary to answer those
criticisms are worth it. I don't see that he particularly has to justify
being allowed to express a criticism based on likely uptake in his
workplace. A saneer response is "I don't think we/they can do ______ to
answer your criticism fully because of ______."

Or in other words, meta-is-ew. (This post included.  Self-referentiality
is ew as well though.)


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