Art sites, Ubuntu exposure

Louise McCance-Price lu at
Tue Nov 2 08:17:10 CST 2004

volvoguy wrote:

>On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 11:50:07 +0000, Louise McCance-Price
><lu at> wrote:
>>>Hi Lu! I don't think I've seen your name around here yet. :-)
>>Busy looking after the websites :o)
>I know the feeling! :-)
>>everyone has access to the ubuntu website and wiki - we've had problems
>>with cacheing so haven't done the official announcement yet for the website.
>>But, you can join here -
>>then add a page.
>Very cool!
>>I think it deserves it on the website. We are going to be migrating a
>>lot of the content from the wiki to the site.
>>Wiki is meant to be a brainstorming area and then when work is more
>>polished, it gets put in place on the site.
>>So, a page with links to artwork on the website sounds like a good idea
>>to me.
>Sounds good to me too - later today (still haven't slept yet). Doh!
>I like the whole wiki to website migration idea. I've never used a
>wiki like that. Unfortunately I seem to have a less mature audience at
>the wiki I run and I'm constantly running into power struggle type
>things. The end result is just that nothing ever really gets done
>unless I do it myself. I think the Ubuntu wiki had more pages added in
>the first week than mine has in six months. (of course Ubuntu has a
>larger audience than mine too!)

>I'll probably find out when I sign up later, but how does the editing
>on the main website work? Is it still using a wiki type format or do I
>(we) get access to the Plone CMS?
access to plone CMS! it's easy and self explanatory, but I may need to 
add a How To on it.

>Thanks again Lu, I look forward to working with ya! :-)
ditto :o)

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