Ubuntu & the underdeveloped world

Chuck Vose vosechu at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 00:37:48 CST 2004

There was mention of a "no politics / no theology" rule but I believe
this is more counter-open than anything America is doing to Cuba. :)
When did we say that we shouldn't offend each other? Who says bad
feelings and even hatred are bad for a community?

I come from a family where conversation was extremely censored. There
was absolutely no discussion of finances, religion, politics,
philosophy or anything else that could be considered controversial. I
can't say that I know anything about my family, I don't know their
views, what makes them happy, or who they voted for. I know less about
my family than I know about my postman.

If we worry about offending people all the time we'll never discuss
anything nor will we ever further our personal philosophies.

I would like to put forth the common understanding rule that so many
communities have come to adopt. In essence, I will respect my friends
and tell them politely when they are being stupid while allowing them
to tell me, with all due discourse, that I am a complete asshat and
should bury my head in a couch cushion. This sort of openness is the
only way we'll ever thrive.

Let the closed source cathedral builders have their social rules,
let's have no rules and just see what happens! :P


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