Thoughts on Ubuntu Sounder 7 installer CD installation usability

James Blackwell jblack at
Mon Aug 30 23:38:19 CDT 2004

> It asked me for a username, so I picked one, and then it asked me again 
> to "Select a username for the new account", defaulting it to the 
> username I'd just picked! So what was the first question, then, if it 
> wasn't picking a username? I am confused. Ah, the first thing it asked 
> for was the full name. That might confuse more experienced users, who 
> expect to be asked for a username first. This is a lesson in reading 
> dialog boxes, I admit.

Grin! I did the exact same thing.

James Blackwell          Try something fun: For the next 24 hours, give
Smile more!              each person you meet a compliment!

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