Instructions on how to handle kernel upgrades

James Blackwell jblack at
Sat Aug 28 16:57:54 CDT 2004

> On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 09:55:57AM -0400, James Blackwell wrote:
> > Are there any insructions yet on how to handle kernel upgrades? 

On Sat, Aug 28, 2004 at 10:05:47AM -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Are you referring to the fact that the installer currently installs
> kernel-image-x.y.z rather than a kernel-image-x.y metapackage?  I think it
> would be nice to use the metapackage, so that we can provide kernel upgrades
> at least within a minor upstream release of the kernel, and possibly even to
> provide an even broader metapackage.

That sounds good to me, though that wasn't where I wasn't coming from. :)

grub, initrd images and such are new to me. I'm used to grabbing the
latest tarball off of, making oldconfig; make bzlilo

I wouldn't mind continuing that practice, but I'd hate to break all of the
nifty automatic stuff ubuntu in doing in the process.

> > Right now I'm using kernel-image-2.6.7-1-386, but if possible I would like
> > to use kernel-image-2.6-686.
> "apt-get install kernel-image-2.6-686" should work fine; that package is
> part of warty/main (though you will need to download it from the network).
> We should consider adding it to the ShipSeed so that it is included on the
> CD, since that particular kernel is quite popular.

Just wanted to make sure that was safe to do. I see that warty even
updated grub's menu.lst.

Thank you very much.

James Blackwell          Try something fun: For the next 24 hours, give
Smile more!              each person you meet a compliment!

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