Sounder-test 7 installation

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Aug 27 09:03:06 CDT 2004

On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 03:57:23PM +0200, Baptiste Mille-Mathias wrote:

> * No information about the root user.
> It could be usefull to say to the user how to perform the management 
> task at the end of the install.

Yes, we should probably add this information to one of the existing dialogs
displayed while creating the user, e.g.:

This user will have "sudo" privileges by default, and logins as "root" are
disabled.  You may set a root password later if you wish.

> * No DNS ip request for no DHCP installation.

Do you mean that you do not want to be asked for the IP address of a DNS
server?  How do you resolve names?

 - mdz

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