
Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Aug 16 04:07:28 CDT 2004

On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 09:15:14PM -0500, Scott Dier wrote:

> As noted on the SupportedSeed list nis is under consideration (obviously
> for a future release, as the current release is under a SeedFreeze).  We
> would also like to see this package supported in the future -- however,
> failing that it is most likely I'll be supporting such a package locally
> if we decide to adopt this distribution.  Has there been any further
> discussion on how external parties can participate in the ExtraSeed?

We are in fact considering adding nis for the Warty release, based on
feedback from you and other Sounders.  If it passes a basic security review,
there is a good chance that it will be included.

Thanks for your input!

 - mdz

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