Question regarding redistribution of ubuntu-core

Kyle Fazzari kyle.fazzari at
Fri May 13 17:34:32 UTC 2016

On 05/13/2016 10:28 AM, Jian LUO wrote:
> Hi list,
> Say I want to ship my commercially available hardware with a snappy
> image consisting of my gadget snap,  a tailored kernel and the
> unmodified ubunto-core.canonical OS snap. Do I need an agreement/license
> from canonical to do so? Does the image as a whole fit the definition of
> modified Ubuntu or unmodified one as described in [1]?
> Sorry, if the question is not related to this mailing list. It will be
> much appreciated if someone could tell me the right place to ask.

Related enough! This is a list of engineers who probably aren't super
qualified to answer that question, but I've CCd Jon, who is :) .

Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa)
Software Engineer
Canonical Ltd.
kyle at

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