snappy source files

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon May 9 18:11:31 UTC 2016

Am Montag, 9. Mai 2016 10:04:31 PDT schrieb Swami <s.swamyn at>:
> loadfdt=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${fdtaddr}
> ${snappy_ab}/dtbs/${fdtfile}
note that this will suppress board specific data like MAC and the board 
serial (i.e. if you ever want to use the video interface of the PI with 
codecs, there wont be a way)  ... it will also disable any kind of DTB 
overlay, all these have to come from the binary blob and be configured in 
config.txt, loading the DTB.

while this hack will get you working, i would still suggest to research why 
the binary blob does not seem to load the DTB properly as it should, to get 
the full functionnallity.


Mit Dekko von meinem Ubuntu-Gerät gesendet

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