deb package to build the edge snap (WAS: release cadence and channels for the ubuntu-core snap)

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Thu Mar 24 17:28:28 UTC 2016

On 24/03/16 17:09, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> we can, but before final release -proposed is still a pretty wildly
> changing place that could easily break dailies ...

Sounds exactly like "edge" to me ;)

This perfectly fits the channels of snappy.

> once the release is out the risk is lower that we have uninstallable
> packages (changes are rare after release)

Same thing is true. Anyway, if the package is uninstallable we will not
be able to build and push the os-snap.

> this indeed only works if you only have that one package ... imagine
> there lands a broken systemd upload in -proposed at the same time... it
> will never enter the actual distro (because the migration tests will
> catch it) but we would end up with the broken package in our os snap.

We would end up with it in the *edge* channel of the os-snap, but we
would not promote that revision to the stable channel :)

> i think re-building after promotion is the only sane way here to avoid
> sneaking in potentially rolled back and broken packages.

Edge is allowed to break. That's the point of it. Alpha, beta, RC, next
type channels would be curated but might of course still break. Stable
will be highly curated and very unlikely to break.


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