snappy 16.04 on Virtual Box VM

Kyle Fazzari kyle.fazzari at
Fri Mar 18 15:47:43 UTC 2016

On 03/18/2016 11:40 AM, MikeB wrote:
> Can someone tell me how to get 16.04 snappy onto a Virtual Box?  I've
> been unable to find an .iso file and all my attempts to craft one have
> failed.  I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, so I may just not be looking in the
> right places.

Oh that's easy.

First, download the image for an x86 system[1]. Note that if you want
16.04, then use [2]. Uncompress the image.

Now convert that raw image into a .vdi for Virtual box:

    $ VBoxManage convertdd ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img
snappy.vdi --format VDI

Now you can use the newly-created `snappy.vdi` as the HD for your vbox
snappy instance (i.e. when it comes to the point of creating a disk
image, instead of creating one, use `snappy.vdi`).


Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa)
Software Engineer
Canonical Ltd.
kyle at

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